With Mont Blanc in the distance, we arrived in the small resort town of Chamonix, France, where Switzerland, Italy, and France intersect. Among the incredible views, I was ready TO EAT!
Marzipan, macaroons, toffees, dried fruits, fudge. Just eat dessert first.
Oui! I'm not sure if it was as good as Julia's, but Le Monchu's Beef Borguignoun was impeccable.
The next night, I paid homage to a Carrot Lobster Bisque at gluten-free Restaurant Bizes, which sits quaintly on the Arve River. I had to control myself from telling everyone not to order the soup.
Si délicieux!
Instead of traveling up to Mont Blanc, a solo traveler and I embarked on the journey to the Mer de Glace (Sea of Ice), a glacier that has sadly dissipated over time because of global warming.
To get there, take the cogwheel train and a lift down to the 500 steps that brings you to the entrance. Save your energy for the 500 steps back up!